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B. Research Case Number
C. Name of person being interviewed
D. Plaintiff v. Defendant:
Interviewer: Read the following Confidentiality Statement to the respondent before proceeding:

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You may choose to not answer any question or stop the survey at any time. Your answers are confidential. They will not be shared with the other involved parties, the court, or your lawyer.
Participant and Case Information
E. Are you the:
E. Plaintiff (person who filed)
F. Defendant (person who responded)
H. Support person for Plaintiff
I. Support person for Defendant
J. Other
L. Are you being represented by a lawyer?
M. If no, did you consult with a lawyer before coming today?
N. Do you have anyone else with you today, such as a support person or advocate?
I am the support person
O. How personally affected [is this support person] or [are you] by the issues that brought you to court?
[The support person is] or [I am] more affected by this conflict than [me] or [named party]
[The support person is] or [I am] equally as affected by this conflict as [me] or [named party]
[The support person is] or [I am] less affected by this conflict than [me] or [named party]
[The support person is] or [I am] not personally affected by this conflict
P. How influential are [they] or [you] in any decisions made in regard to these issues?
Very influential
Somewhat influential
Not very influential
S. Have you ever been involved in another court case? (Check all that apply)
S. Plaintiff
T. Defendant
U. Witness
V. None

W. If yes as a plaintiff or defendant, how many times in the last five years?
X. Prior to this case, have you ever been involved in any of the following processes?
X. Mediation
Y. Settlement Conference
AB. Community Conferencing
Z. Arbitration
AC. Not sure
AD. No, I have not

B. Participant's Opinion
AP. Using the following scale, express your agreement or disagreement with the following statement:
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
AP. I have a clear idea of what I want to get from today’s court process.
AU. What results are you hoping to get today?
AV. Have you done anything to prepare for the trial today?
Not sure
BB. Prior to today, have you had a conversation with the other person/people involved in this case to try to resolve these issues?
BC. Were you aware that there were opportunities for mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution before filing a court case?
BD. Would you have liked an opportunity to try mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution prior to today’s trial?
BG. For this case, have you already been involved in any of the following processes:
BG. Mediation
BH. Arbitration
BI. Settlement conference
BJ. Trial
BK. Community Conferencing
BL. Not sure
BM. No, I have not

BN. Do you think you are:
Not at all responsible for what happened
Somewhat responsible for what happened
Fully responsible for what happened
BP. How long have the issues that brought you to court been going on?
BQ. Have the police been called in regard to these issues?
BR. If yes, how many times have the police been called?
BS. Over what period of time? (in months)
BV. Other than today’s court case, have other cases been filed related to these issues?
BW. If yes, which types of cases?
BW. Criminal
BX. Family
BY. Civil
BZ. Juvenile
CA. Appeals
CB. not sure

CC. Using the following scale, express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
CC. I think there are a number of different ways to resolve the issues that brought me to court today.

CE. It’s important that I get my needs met in the issues that brought me to court today.

CF. It’s important that I understand what the other person/people want/s in the issues that brought me to court today.

CG. The other person/people need/s to learn that they are wrong in the issues that brought me to court today.

CH. It’s important that the other person/people get their needs met in the issues that brought me to court today.

CI. It’s important for me to have a positive relationship with the other person/people involved in the issues that brought me to court today.

CJ. I feel like I have no control over what happens in the issues that brought me to court today.

CK. The other person/people involved in the issues that brought me to court today want/s the exact opposite of what I want.

CL. I can talk about my concerns to the person/people involved in the issues that brought me to court today.

CM. It doesn’t seem to make any difference what I do in regard to the issues that brought me to court today, it’ll just remain the same.

CN. In general, conflict is a negative thing.

AL. I feel prepared to go to trial.

CO. The court system cares about helping people resolve disputes in a fair manner.

C. Demographic information
CV. Are you male or female?
CV. Male
CW. Female
CX. How old were you on your last birthday?
CY. How many people live in your household, including you?
CZ. What is your household income?
Less than $10,000
$10,000 to $15,000
$15,000 to $25,000
$25,000 to $35.000
$35,000 to $50,000
$50,000 to $75,000
$75,000 to $100,000
$100,000 to $150,000
$150,000 to $200,000
$200,000 or more
DG. What is your race?
DG. White
DH. Black or African American
DI. Hispanic or Latino
DJ. American Indian and Alaska Native
DK. Asian
DL. Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander
DM. Other:
DN. Were you born in the United States?
DO. If no, how long have you lived in the US?
DP. What language(s) are spoken in your household?
English only
English and another language
Only a language other than English
DQ. If a language in addition to, or other than English, specify language/s:
DR. How well do you think you speak English?
Very well
Not well
Not at all
DS. Do you have a military background?
Yes, I am Active Duty, Reserve, or National Guard
Yes, I’m a veteran
DT. Do you have any disabilities?
DU. If yes, please specify:
DV. Relationship to the other party in this court case:
DV. Friend/Acquaintance
DW. Boy/Girlfriend
DX. Ex-boy/girlfriend
DY. Domestic Partners/Spouses
DZ. Separated/Divorced
EA. Other Family
EB. Employer/Employee
EC. Former Emp/Employee
ED. Co-workers
EE. Neighbors
EF. Room/Housemates
EG. Strangers
EH. Landlord/Tenant
EI. Customer/Business
EJ. Other
EK. What is your highest level of education completed?
No Formal Education
Grammar School
High School/GED
Trade School/Certificate Program (post high school)
Graduate degree (MA, PhD)
Law School (JD, LLM)
General Comments/Observations made by the Researcher
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