
Driver Rehabilitation Competency Survey

OTD Capstone Survey
Occupational therapy works with individuals whose ability to engage and pursue "occupations" has been interrupted by illness, disease, injury, environment, etc. Driving is a complex occupation, a meaningful activity pursued for life roles, vocation, socialization, and life satisfaction.
This survey is part of an occupational therapy doctoral capstone project.  We are seeking information from occupational therapists to better understand academic preparation and application of driver rehabilitation within clinical practice.  
Your participation is voluntary and you can skip a question or stop at any point if you need to. No personal information is collected and there are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. Your survey responses are valued and appreciated, but are strictly anonymous and confidential. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes.
This survey was reviewed/approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact the IRB committee at irb@presby.edu
Thank you for taking our survey and for all you do each day for the clients you serve!
Your implied understanding and consent is given when you select I agree below and begin the survey.
Year of graduation:
Years of Clinical Experience
Background Information - Occupational Therapy Degree
Check all that apply to the occupational therapy program you attended.
Rank the degree that driving/driver rehabilitation was emphasized within the OT curriculum of your program. 
1: Not at all - 5: Strong, Effective
Rank the degree of confidence you have in your knowledge of driver rehabilitation.
Entry-Level (1: Not at all - 5: Strong, Effective)
Current-Level (1: Not at all - 5: Strong, Effective)
I refer all driving referrals to a driving specialist in my area.
I receive referrals to assess pre-driving skills. 
I use a specific evaluation/form to assess pre-driving skills.
Identify the pre-driving skills you assess, check all that apply.
If "other" was selected, please explain below. 
What is the significance of driving for the majority of your clients? Select one of the following answers that best describes the significance.
I have pursued CEU courses to learn more about driver rehabilitation.
If "yes" was selected, please list the course below.
Would you be interested in completing a CEU Pre-Driving Assessment course?
If "yes" was selected, please provide your email below. 
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