
The Family Perspective

About Eating Disorders Nova Scotia

Eating Disorders Nova Scotia is an independent charitable organization. We support anyone living with an eating disorder (no diagnosis needed) through our virtual supports including Peer Support Chat, Mentoring, Peer Support Groups, Workshops, Family Peer Support, and Nutrition Counselling. We are not a part of the Nova Scotia Health Authority or the IWK. For more information about Eating Disorders Nova Scotia, please visit www.eatingdisordersns.ca 

About this Survey  
The Nova Scotia Health Authority and the IWK deliver publicly funded (free) treatment in NS. General speaking, this is delivered through local Community Mental Health locations, and hospitals like the IWK and QEII's Abbie Lane.    

The Nova Scotia Health Authority and the IWK have created the NS Eating Disorders Working Group to standardize and improve Eating Disorders services across Nova Scotia.  
As part of our work as a member of the Nova Scotia Health Authority/IWK’s Eating Disorders Working Group, Eating Disorders Nova Scotia is conducting a survey to learn more about the experiences of those who have sought and/or received treatment for an eating disorder in NS.
What was your experience accessing treatment for your child?  If they received care in more than one place/from one clinician, what was that process like? What worked well? What were the challenges?  

The results of this survey will be presented to the Eating Disorders Working Group mid April 2021.

This survey is designed to learn about the experience of families.

To access the survey for those who have sought and/or received treatment in NS please visit: https://www.questionpro.com/t/AQxDWZlil3

If you have questions at any time about the survey or the process, contact Shaleen at Shaleen@EatingDisordersNS.ca 
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