Client Satisfaction Survey 

Questions marked with a * are required
Did SELF HELP INC. help you or anyone in your household in the past 12 months?
Which SELF HELP INC. services have you used in the past 12 months? Check all that apply
How did you learn about SELF HELP INC ?
Please Tell Us a Little Bit About Your Experience with Self Help Inc. and our Staff
I feel welcome at the SELF HELP INC. office or when I talk with staff on the phone.
SELF HELP INC. staff understand my needs and culture.
SELF HELP INC. staff treat me with respect and do not judge me.
SELF HELP INC. staff support me to make my own decisions
I am satisfied with how SELF HELP INC. staff have treated me.
My situation is better because of the help SELF HELP INC. gave me.
My finances are more stable because of help from SELF HELP INC.
I can take care of my family or myself better because of the assistance I received from SELF HELP INC.
SELF HELP INC. helped me learn about helpful resources near where I live.
I am satisfied with the help I got from SELF HELP INC.
Did anything make it hard for you to get assistance from SELF HELP INC.?
How could SELF HELP INC. improve?  Please give us your suggestions:
What other assistance and/or programs would you like SELF HELP INC. to offer in the future?
In general, do you feel that you are………
Where do you live?  
What is your Zip Code?
Can SELF HELP INC. use your comments and testimonial on our website or in our future marketing efforts? 
If you would like someone to reach out to in regard to your responses, please provide your contact info. below
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