Title: Guam Residents’ Perceptions of, and Engagement with Ocean Renewable Energy—IMPLIED CONSENT FORM
Hafa Adai!
We are Dr. Francis Dalisay (Professor of Communication & Media) and Dr. Austin Shelton (Associate Professor of Island Sustainability/Director, UOG Center for Island Sustainability and SeaGrant) of the University of Guam. We are asking for your help to assess Guam residents’ perceptions of, and engagement with ocean renewable energy development. Participation in this study will involve the completion of an anonymous online (Internet) survey. We are asking you to participate in this project because you are at least 18 years old.
This study is funded by a collaborative grant between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Sea Grant College Program and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office.
Project Description – Activities and Time Commitment: Participants will complete a survey that is posted on the Internet. Survey questions are primarily multiple choice, and will assess Guam residents’ perceptions and behaviors regarding ocean renewable energy development, and their attitudes on local issues. Completion of the survey will take approximately 15-30 minutes.
Benefits and Risks: This project is part of a larger assessment on the feasibility of developing ocean renewable energy technologies for Guam, and for that matter. The results of this project will contribute to a better understanding of how Guam residents feel about the development of ocean renewable energy, and the extent to which they are interested in and engaged with this topic. We would also be able to examine factors that could be associated with such feelings and behaviors surrounding ocean renewable energy development.
There is little risk to no risk for you in participating in this project. You may choose to skip questions or stop responding at any point.
Once you complete and submit your survey, you will receive a link to a page where you can enter a drawing for a chance to win one of one hundred (100) $50 gift certificates from Payless. No purchase is necessary to participate in the drawing.
Please be assured that the information you provide to enter the drawing is not connected to your completed survey. In other words, there is no way for us to link your responses on the main survey to the information you enter on the page for the drawing.
Confidentiality and Privacy: Your responses to the survey will be anonymous. Your name will not be collected or appear anywhere on the survey and complete privacy will be guaranteed. Names and contact information recorded for the drawing will be collected and stored separately, maintaining your anonymity.
Voluntary Participation: Participation is completely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time, without penalty. There is no consequence for not participating in this study, and there are no foreseeable risks.
Questions: If you have any questions about this study, you can contact the principal investigator, Francis Dalisay (fdalisay@triton.uog.edu). If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the UOG Institutional Review Board, UOG Office of Research & Sponsored Programs (irb@triton.uog.edu).
Your Consent: By agreeing to participate, you are giving your consent to use the information you provide in academic research.
Feel free to take a screen shot, or print a copy of this page for your reference.
Are you 18 years old or older, and would like to participate in this study, click “Start” below?
Thank you for your participation.