Organizational Meeting Performance Survey

This questionnaire is based on the Meeting Performance Maturity Model v1.1. 

Answer the questions based on your perceptions of meeting quality across the organization - not just those that you attend personally. In very large organizations with multiple locations, you may wish to answer these questions for only that part of the organization with which you have experience.

The survey takes between 2 - 10 minutes to complete, depending on how many optional questions you choose to answer. If you decide to exit early, please skip to the end and submit your answers.

Thank you!
About You (optional)
What best describes the type of organization you work for? 
Approximately how many employees are at your current organization?
How many years have you worked in your current organization?
Your meeting experience
On average, how many meetings do you lead per week?
On average, how many meetings do you attend per week?
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