Thriving Students Survey 2023
Thank you for your cooperation in undertaking this survey as part of our ongoing work to support your school's processes of research and development into its performance.
This survey is designed to give you an opportunity to provide ratings and comments about your experience of your school. A group of Bishop Chadwick Education Trust Schools is participating in this process.
There are three parts to the survey and it should take no longer than 45 minutes to complete. It is best to complete the survey in one sitting, using your first and best thoughts.
There are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions. We have developed the questions after more than a decade of consultation and testing with school communities all around the world. Questions that seek a rating are designed to show how much or little you agree with a particular statement. In the open comment boxes, you can answer as much or as little as you like.
Information gathered in this survey is confidential and will be used to inform a process of analysis, and reporting back to the school about observations, findings and recommendations about strengths, areas for development, and strategies for improvement.
We appreciate your support of this process and will value your input.