
OCPG Advisory Board Application

Questions marked with a * are required
Applicant Contact Information
How are you connected to OCPG and/or the problem gambling community?
What skills/expertise do you hope to bring to OCPG's Advisory Board?
Please check all that apply
Safer Gambling (RG)
Education/Cirriculum Development
Institutional Memory
Contract Review/Legal Support
Please check all that apply
Please elaborate on your experience in areas you noted above:
Why do you wish to join OCPG's Advisory Board?
 OCPG recognizes the need to embrace diversity and equality within its Board membership and any individuals it may employ. We ask the following questions as part of our effort to include diverse populations in our staff and volunteer leadership positions.  Selection will be based on aptitude and ability and all questions are optional. 
What is your gender?
Are you a member of the LGBTQIA2S+ Community?
What is your race / ethnicity? (Check all that apply.)
What is your age?
Do you have lived experience with problem gambling
Is there anything else you wish to share?
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