Survei Kepuasan Mitra Kerjasama (PARTNERSHIP SATISFACTION SURVEY) 

Questions marked with a * are required
Collaboration With :
Asal Institusi
Place a mark (V) in the column corresponding to the answer that aligns with your opinion.
Kurang Puas
(Less satisfied)
Cukup Puas
(Quite satisfied)
Sangat Puas
(Very satisfied)
Lembaga di UDS telah memberikan pendampingan/ bantuan tenaga ahli terhadap instansi anda saat dibutuhkan
(Universitas dr. Soebandi has consistently provided assistance to your institution when needed)
Pimpinan/ staf kerjasama aktif dalam menjalin komunikasi dengan mitra
(The leaders and staff of Universitas dr. Soebandi in the collaboration unit actively establish communication with partners)
Staf di bagian kerjasama UDS/ Prodi telah memberikan pelayanan dengan antusias dalam merespon mitra kerjasama
(The staff of Universitas dr. Soebandi in the collaboration unit has provided enthusiastic service in responding to collaboration partners)
Staf kerjasama di UDS/ Prodi telah merespon pada kebutuhan anda dengan tepat dan profesional
(The staff of Universitas dr. Soebandi in the collaboration unit responded to your needs appropriately and professionally)
Prosedur pelayanan selama menjalin kerjasama telah diberikan dengan mudah dan cepat
(Service procedures during collaboration have been provided efficiently and promptly)
Dokumen kerjasama diperbaharui secara berkesinambungan
(Collaboration documents have been continuously updated)
Staf di bagian kerjasama UDS/ Prodi telah memberikan pelayanan dengan sopan dan ramah
(The staff in the Universitas dr. Soebandi in the collaboration unit have provided polite and friendly service)
Prosedur untuk menjalin kerjasama dengan UDS/ Prodi mudah diakses
(Procedures for establishing collaboration with Universitas dr. Soebandi are easily accessible)
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