I am comfortable with computers, email, and internet technology.
I understand that online learning is different from traditional learning classroom learning and will require an equal or greater amount of work.
I enjoy talking with people online.
I am self-directed and a self-motivated person that likes to work independently.
I can manage my study time efficiently to complete assignments on time.
I can adapt to new computer skills and programs.
I can install extensions to my browser.
I am comfortable expressing my thoughts in writing.
I have reliable access to a computer with a high-speed connection.
I can download/install software to my computer.
I know basic trouble-shooting methods for computer problems.
I can create, rename, and delete folders.
I have access to and am familiar with Microsoft Word, including composing essays, copying and pasting text, printing, setting margins, adding page numbers, changing fonts, and other basic types of formatting.
I can create, send, forward, reply to, save and delete email messages.
I can send, open, and save email attachments.
I can post messages to discussions (such as comments on social media).
I can locate and access information using a search engine.
I often seek out help on my own.