New York Academy of Medicine
We are inviting you to answer the questions in the UNICEF Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI) to help better understand your experience at the Heritage School and in East Harlem.
This survey is about keeping youth in the community safe. It has been developed so that you can tell us what is important in your community to keep kids safe from gun violence. The information you give will be used to improve safety in your community.
We know that this academic year for high school students has meant a return to school after a year of being fully virtual with online teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the questions in this assessment tool will be asking you to tell us about your experience throughout the time you have attended the Heritage School for the academic year 2021-2022.
You will be asked your experience in school and in East Harlem, the community surrounding The Heritage School. Other questions mention New York City, this refers to any other geographic area in New York City.
You will be taking this assessment tool online. Answer the questions based on what you really think and do. The answers you give will be kept private. Your answers will not be linked to your name or any other personal information. No one will know what you write.
The questions that ask about your background will be used only to describe the types of students completing this survey. The information will not be used to find out your name. No names will ever be reported.
You are giving consent (agreement to participate in the activity) by clicking on the link to the survey and answering these questions. Some of these questions may be disturbing or upsetting, so at any point in time you can choose to not continue to answer any more questions or skip any questions.
If for any reason you do not feel safe or have a negative reaction to any of the questions please contact The Counseling In Schools Counselor (Robert Marchesani
This survey will be available during your Advisory Class session. Your advisor and a faculty/NYAM graduate student will be there to guide you through the process of finding the link to the survey. There, you will be given various questions to answer. Please answer the questions by selecting one of the 5 options listed. Whether you participate in the survey or not is your choice. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. Following this your class may choose to discuss your understanding of the questions, your responses, and why you chose what you did after each question.
If you are not willing to participate in this survey, do not click on the link. Your advisor will have other activities for you to do during this time.
We will provide an example of the questions.
The answer choices are mostly true, sometimes true, never true, I don't understand the question and I prefer not to answer.
We will be giving you 15 minutes to take the survey, take your time to finish it. I will let you know how you’re doing on time throughout the process with a 5 minute and 1 minute time check.
After the survey is completed, the class will engage in a discussion about the questions and responses and we hope you will participate.
How child/youth friendly is my community?
Tell us your own personal opinion about each statement