Engineers writing docs - Dashboard
Total Responses
Completion Rate
8 min
Average Time
Countries Responses
US 23.11%
IN 11.34%
DE 7.98%
PL 6.30%
GB 5.46%
FR 4.62%
CA 3.36%
RU 2.94%
ES 2.94%
AU 2.52%
NL 2.10%
Unknown 1.68%
KR 1.26%
ID 1.26%
BR 1.26%
PT 1.26%
SE 1.26%
PH 0.84%
IE 0.84%
MA 0.84%
UA 0.84%
AE 0.84%
MX 0.84%
CH 0.84%
IT 0.84%
AT 0.84%
JP 0.84%
NP 0.84%
KE 0.84%
BD 0.42%
CU 0.42%
TH 0.42%
BG 0.42%
CZ 0.42%
LB 0.42%
TW 0.42%
BY 0.42%
DK 0.42%
IL 0.42%
RO 0.42%
AM 0.42%
DZ 0.42%
ZA 0.42%
AR 0.42%
EG 0.42%
NO 0.42%
CN 0.42%
SG 0.42%
CO 0.42%
NZ 0.42%
SI 0.42%
Total 100.00%
I am an engineer (of some sort).
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Yes, I'm an engineer. 191 95.02%
No, I'm not an engineer. 10 4.98%
Total 201 100 %
In my role as an engineer, I write some of the documentation for the products I build.
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Strongly disagree 3 2.78%
Disagree 5 4.63%
Neutral 9 8.33%
Agree 51 47.22%
Strongly agree 35 32.41%
N/A 2 1.85%
Other 3 2.78%
Total 108 100 %
In my role as an engineer, I write some of the documentation for the products I build. - Text Data for Other
03/03/2019 31981922 I do it sometimes, but I wish I would always do
02/28/2019 31842341 Some times
02/25/2019 31638217 I don't program - just QA and Tech write
Most of the documentation I write is reference documentation (e.g., API endpoints, Javadocs).
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Strongly disagree 5 4.81%
Disagree 10 9.62%
Neutral 17 16.35%
Agree 53 50.96%
Strongly agree 17 16.35%
N/A 1 0.96%
Other 1 0.96%
Total 104 100 %
Most of the documentation I write is reference documentation (e.g., API endpoints, Javadocs). - Text Data for Other
02/25/2019 31638217 Not most, I'd say 50/50
Technical writers don't write this content because it's generally too complex for non-engineers to understand.
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Strongly disagree 4 3.88%
Disagree 18 17.48%
Neutral 21 20.39%
Agree 35 33.98%
Strongly agree 14 13.59%
N/A 7 6.8%
Other 4 3.88%
Total 103 100 %
Technical writers dont write this content because its generally too complex for non-engineers to understand. - Text Data for Other
03/19/2019 32791345 I'm an engineer who works as technical writer, so... I write each piece of documentation myself. (non-english based docs)
03/05/2019 32048145 no tech writes on staff
02/19/2019 31312199 No writers available
02/19/2019 31301716 We don't have a technical writer
When I engage in documentation efforts, I prefer to treat documentation like software (using Git, text editors, Markdown, static site generators, building from the server, etc.) 
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Strongly disagree 3 2.91%
Disagree 5 4.85%
Neutral 10 9.71%
Agree 47 45.63%
Strongly agree 36 34.95%
N/A 2 1.94%
Other 0 0%
Total 103 100 %
When I engage in documentation efforts, I prefer to treat documentation like software (using Git, text editors, Markdown, static site generators, building from the server, etc.)  - Text Data for Other